Wildlife Control Service Pricing

rodent removal price

Welcome to the comprehensive guide on General Animal Removal, where we delve into every aspect you need to know about safely and effectively dealing with unwanted wildlife in your residential or commercial spaces. From pesky raccoons and noisy birds to intrusive rodents and beyond, animal infestations can be more than a mere nuisance; they can pose significant health and safety risks. It is estimated that wildlife is now five to six times more prevalent in suburban and urban areas, amplifying the need for effective animal removal solutions.

In today’s digital age, the internet is flooded with more than 2,900,000 U.S.-based online searches for pest control companies each month. As these numbers suggest, the demand for animal removal services is high, and this guide aims to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information.

In this guide, we will cover:

  1. Types of Common Animal Infestations
  2. Methods of Animal Removal
  3. Costs Involved
  4. DIY vs Professional Services
  5. Legal Considerations
  6. Environmental Impact
  7. Prevention Tips

Whether you’re dealing with an animal intrusion for the first time or looking to upgrade your existing prevention measures, this guide will serve as your one-stop resource for all things related to general animal removal.

Common Factors Affecting Cost

Common Factors Affecting Cost

Location – Accessibility of the infested areas greatly impacts cost. Attics or basements are simpler and cheaper than removing animals trapped in walls, chimneys or other tight spaces requiring demolition. High locations requiring lifts or cranes also increase price.

Type of Animal – Larger animals like raccoons, bears, or bats in large colonies cost more than smaller pests like mice or squirrels due to greater labor, risks, and materials needed for humane removal and cleanup. Difficult-to-handle species raise costs too.

Complexity – Simple, straightforward jobs are cheaper than difficult ones requiring extensive diagnostics, customized solutions, or complex exclusion repairs. Severe hoarding situations, major entry points to seal, and heavy infestations spread across a large property also mean higher prices due to increased time and resources needed.

Number of Access Points – The more openings allowing animal entry need to be sealed, the higher the removal costs due to more diagnostics and exclusion materials and labor. Difficult-to-reach entry points also drive up price.

The specific location, animal type, complexity of the infestation, and number of access points requiring repair all contribute to the overall costs and time involved in professional wildlife removal projects, impacting what clients pay for resolution of their issues.

Bat Removal Costs

Bat Removal Costs

The average cost for professional bat removal is $500 to $1,000 depending on the size of the infestation. More extensive problems raise costs.

Additional Costs

  • Exclusion Services – Installing one-way valves or sealing openings costs $200 to $400 on average. Preventing re-entry is critical.
  • Guano Removal – Special hazmat suits, respirators, and equipment are required to remove large accumulations of guano and urine safely, which can cost $300 to $500.
  • Attic Sanitization – Thorough disinfection of infested areas helps eliminate viruses, odors and dust. Expect fees of $300 or more.
  • Access Equipment – Using lifts or cranes for high locations adds $250 or more.

Confirm exactly what is covered by a quoted price for bat control. Reputable companies explain all expected fees upfront without surprise add-ons.

Bat Removal Laws to Consider

  • Removal or lethal control requires oversight by state wildlife officials.
  • Only certain humane exclusion methods are legal. Trapping and relocation is restricted.
  • Removal cannot occur if young bats are present between May-August.

A professional will follow all regulations including obtaining any needed permits before bat exclusion. Fines for violations can be steep.

Raccoon Removal Costs

Raccoon Removal Costs

The average cost for professional raccoon removal can vary widely based on factors such as the number of raccoons, the complexity of the job, and your location. Generally, prices may range from $200 to $500 for the removal of a single raccoon. Multiple raccoons or complex scenarios like raccoons in attics may push the cost higher.

Additional Costs

Additional costs may include cleanup services, particularly if raccoons have contaminated an area with waste or caused damage. Cleanup costs can vary, but they usually range from $100 to $400. Repairing any structural damage could also add to the total expense.

Legal Considerations

It’s important to note that laws regarding raccoon removal can differ by state and locality. Some states require humane trapping and release, and others may have specific seasons during which removal is allowed. Always consult local wildlife agencies or experts to ensure that you are in compliance with local and state laws.

Squirrels Removal Costs

Squirrels Removal Costs

The cost for squirrel removal can vary based on factors such as the number of squirrels and the complexity of the removal. On average, the cost for professional squirrel removal can range from $150 to $400 for a basic removal service.

Additional Costs

Additional costs might involve repairing the entry points used by the squirrels, which can cost around $200 to $500 depending on the extent of the damage. Cleanup services for squirrel waste or nesting materials may also incur an additional fee, generally between $100 and $300.

Legal Considerations

Legal guidelines for squirrel removal can vary by jurisdiction. It’s crucial to understand the laws in your area concerning the trapping, removal, and release of squirrels. Some states may require permits, while others might specify humane removal methods.

Opossum Removal Costs

Opossum Removal Costs

The average cost for opossum removal typically ranges from $200 to $600, depending on the severity of the infestation and the methods used for removal.

Additional Costs

If the opossum has caused damage to your property, repairs might be necessary. These additional costs can vary greatly but usually start at around $100 for minor repairs. In cases where cleanup of waste or leftover food is needed, expect to pay an additional $50 to $200.

Legal Considerations

Laws and regulations for opossum removal can vary by state or local jurisdiction. Some areas may require special permits or may restrict the types of removal methods that can be used. Always check your local laws and consult professionals to ensure that you are in compliance.

Skunk Removal Costs

Skunk Removal Costs

The average cost for skunk removal generally ranges from $150 to $400. This includes trapping and relocating the animal. Prices may vary based on location, the number of skunks involved, and the complexity of the removal.


The most commonly used method for skunk removal is live trapping followed by relocation. Cage traps are typically set near the skunk’s point of entry or in areas where they have been spotted. Some professionals also offer deodorization services if a skunk has sprayed, which can add to the cost.

Legal Considerations

Skunks are protected wildlife in many jurisdictions, meaning it’s illegal to kill, poison, or inhumanely trap them. Most areas require a licensed professional for removal. Penalties for unauthorized removal can be hefty, and may include fines or even imprisonment.

Mole Removal Costs

mole control costs

The average cost for mole removal typically ranges from $100 to $500. Costs may vary depending on factors such as the extent of the mole activity, the size of the area affected, and the geographic location.


Mole removal commonly employs methods like trapping and baiting. Trapping is often considered the most effective way to remove moles, with various types of traps like scissor, harpoon, and choker traps available. Some professionals may also offer repellent application as a preventative measure, although its efficacy is generally less assured.

Legal Considerations

Legal requirements for mole removal can vary by jurisdiction. In some areas, it may be necessary to obtain a permit or hire a licensed professional for mole removal. Failure to comply with local laws may result in fines or other penalties.

Armadillo Removal Costs

Armadillo Removal Costs
A closeup shot of an Armadillos in Florida, USA

The average cost for armadillo removal usually starts at around $275. However, this is a base price and may go up depending on various factors. For example, if your property has multiple armadillos, or if there is extensive burrowing activity, the costs can escalate. Additionally, the geographic location also plays a significant role in the pricing. If you’re located in an urban area, you may find higher service charges compared to rural settings. Sometimes, multiple visits might be necessary for successful removal, and this will also be added to the total costs. Some companies may charge additional fees for services like burrow sealing, landscape restoration, and post-removal monitoring.


When it comes to armadillo removal, the most common method is live trapping followed by humane relocation. There are different kinds of traps, including single-door and double-door live traps. After capturing the armadillo, professionals usually relocate the animal to a designated area far away from human activity to prevent its return. This relocation is generally part of the removal service package. Some services also offer habitat modification as a long-term prevention strategy. This may include removing food sources and installing barriers to keep armadillos from re-entering your property.

Legal Considerations

While armadillos are not protected animals in some states like Georgia, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with your state’s specific wildlife removal laws. Regulations can vary widely, and some states require permits for trapping and relocating armadillos. Failing to adhere to these rules could result in fines or other legal repercussions. Therefore, always consult your local wildlife agency or seek professional advice to ensure that you are following the law when dealing with armadillo removal.

Beaver Removal Costs

Beaver Removal Costs
Big beaver in a river gnawing on a branch.

The average cost for beaver removal is approximately $550. This price typically covers consultation, live trapping, and relocation of two beavers.


Live trapping followed by humane relocation is the most commonly used method for beaver removal. While dam removal could be another approach, live trapping is generally considered more ethical and effective[1].

Legal Considerations

Legal guidelines for beaver removal can vary by state and region. For instance, Washington state has been active in promoting non-lethal beaver mitigation methods, including relocation[2]. It’s essential to consult local or state wildlife agencies to understand the specific legal frameworks and acquire any necessary permits.

Bird Removal Costs

Bird Removal Costs
price to get rid of birds

The average cost for professional bird removal services ranges from $200 to $500, depending on the size of the infestation and accessibility of nesting areas. Larger problems or hard-to-reach spaces may cost more.

Additional Costs

  • Nest Removal – Removing large accumulated nests and significant amounts of feces and debris can add $50 to $150 or more. Proper protective gear and equipment is required.
  • Exclusion and Prevention – Sealing entry points and installing bird exclusion devices like spikes, netting or slope modifications can cost $150 to $300 depending on the scope. This helps permanently block future nesting.
  • Cleanup and Sanitization – Thorough interior and exterior disinfection of droppings and feathers may range from $50 to $200 depending on the extent. Important for health safety.
  • Access Equipment – Using lifts or cranes for tall trees/buildings can add $250 or more.

It’s crucial to confirm what services and fees are included in a basic quote. Reputable companies will explain all expected costs upfront. Ask about any municipal permits required in your area as well.

Legal Considerations

It’s important to be aware of laws and regulations around certain bird species:

  • Federal laws protect native migratory birds and their active nests in the U.S. Proper permits may be required.
  • Harming or relocating nuisance flocks may require approval of state wildlife agencies.
  • There are restrictions around noise deterrents and poisons. Only non-lethal harassment is legal.

A professional company will know and comply with all applicable laws and obtain any necessary permits or licenses before beginning removal work.

Snakes Removal Costs

Snakes Removal Costs

The cost for professional snake removal services generally starts around $120 for a single snake but can go up to $500 or more for more complex scenarios involving multiple snakes. Some companies charge by the hour, while others offer flat rates.

Additional Costs

Beyond the base charge, you might incur additional costs for snake-proofing your property. This could involve installing snake fences or repellents, costing approximately $200 to $600. If the snake has laid eggs, an egg removal service may also be necessary, adding another $100 to $200 to the overall price.

Legal Considerations

Certain snake species are protected by law, making it illegal to kill or relocate them without a permit. Some states also require that only licensed professionals handle snake removal, especially for venomous species. Fines for non-compliance can be significant, so always make sure to consult local wildlife agencies or experts to ensure that you are following all legal requirements.

DIY vs. Professional Services

DIY vs. Professional Services

Attempting to remove wildlife like raccoons, squirrels, bats, or skunks yourself can seem like an affordable option, but there are significant risks and potential long-term costs to consider.

While DIY measures like traps and exclusionary devices bought at a hardware store may have lower upfront costs, the chances of incompletely solving an animal problem or having persistent re-infestations is high for amateurs. This can lead to substantially more expenses down the road from continual property damage and repairs if animals keep entering and nesting in inconvenient or hazardous areas like attics. Professionals have the proper tools and expertise to permanently exclude wildlife and prevent reentry.

Professionals can also reduce liability risks that come with DIY wildlife trapping and removal. In many states, there are laws around safely and humanely transporting certain wild animals after capture. Well-trained wildlife control experts know and follow all regulations to avoid fines or violations. They also have the protective gear, handling skills, and equipment to avoid injury or exposure to diseases from bites and scratches.

Another consideration is the extensive repairs often required after removing wildlife from a home or property. Feces and urine can cause odors and structural issues. Professionals have resources to provide full sanitization, decontamination, and repairs of any damaged areas. DIY cleanup can be quite difficult after animals have been nesting in undisturbed areas.

In situations where animals keep finding new ways to enter a home, such as through tiny gaps in siding, vents, or openings in the roof or foundation, a professional wildlife control service is definitely recommended. They have the diagnostic tools and experience to thoroughly inspect all possible access points and seal them to permanently block animals and prevent persistence of the problem.

So while a DIY approach may seem like it saves money initially, when factoring in the risks, time demands, liability, potential for incomplete removal or ongoing issues, and need for sanitization and repairs, hiring a professional wildlife control service often makes more economic sense in the long run, leading to better and more permanent results. They know how to correctly assess, humanely remove, and fully exclude wild animals while following all laws and regulations.

Choosing a Wildlife Control Service Beyond Pricing

Choosing a Wildlife Control Service

When hiring a professional animal removal company, cost should not be the only factor considered. Here are some key criteria to consider in your selection process:

  • Licensing & Insurance – Confirm they have all required permits, licenses for your state, and liability insurance covering any property damage. This helps ensure proper methods and your protection.
  • Experience – Choose a company with several years or more handling the specific species troubling you. Check reviews and ask for references to evaluate experience.
  • Humane Practices – Select a service that uses ethical, humane trapping and removal methods approved by wildlife agencies. Avoid any red flags.
  • Damage Prevention – Ask about their exclusion and prevention methods to be sure they seal entry points and completely eliminate animal access.
  • Sanitization & Repairs – Do they comprehensively clean and decontaminate? Can they expertly repair any damage? Important for health and property’s sake.
  • Staff Training – Well-trained technicians should be able to correctly identify species, use proper gear and techniques, follow regulations, and educate you on prevention.
  • Guarantee – Many companies offer guarantees against future infestations. This ensures satisfaction and communicates their confidence.

Taking time to carefully select a seasoned, licensed, and humane wildlife control professional will help ensure long-term resolution of your animal issue and protection of your property against persistence, damage, and risks.